Call for Proposals! Working with Hakluyt

Hakluyt depicted in stained glass in the west window of the south transept of Bristol Cathedral – Charles Eamer Kempe, c. 1905.
Hakluyt depicted in stained glass in the west window of the south transept of Bristol Cathedral – Charles Eamer Kempec. 1905. (via Wikipedia)

The American Friends of the Hakluyt Society announces a call for proposals for short, informal, open-access mini-essays / blog posts that describe how academics and writers in different disciplines work with the texts and legacies of Richard Hakluyt. We welcome posts about teaching Hakluyt’s corpus, editing individual texts, engaging with his works as primary sources, or using Hakluyt to think about the long history of Anglophone maritime, colonial, and imperial cultures. We are especially interested in proposals that use Hakluyt to uncover the global, mercantile, imperial, and colonialist elements of early modern history, including explorations of race, gender, religion, or other forms of human difference. We welcome submissions from all academics and writers who are interested in Hakluyt, from diverse regions, disciplines, and academic positions.

We plan to begin posting short examples of “Working with Hakluyt” on the American Friends website in October 2021, and we aim to continue at a regular pace thereafter. If you’d like us to consider something for the academic year 2021-2022, please send a brief abstract to by 15 October, 2021. 

We play to roll out the first post in the series in October, and we look forward to sharing more as our conversation and public interest develops.